Monday, May 29, 2006

Meeting with Oncologists

Mom is headed back to Rochester for a meeting with the oncologists tomorrow. She and Dad left this afternoon to go to the St. Mary's Hospital because mom's bilirubin was greatly increased with this morning's check. She also had a lot of leaking from one of her tube sites this morning and will need to have that looked at as well. The GI doctors expected the stents to become leaky after 6-8 weeks, but not this early. All signs point to her stent being clogged which means that she may have to have the stents replaced or adjusted. She might have to be hospitalized at St. Mary's again because of all of this - but we will post news as soon as we get it. This is disheartening news for all of us, especially as we can see Mom's skin and eyes get more and more yellow. These past few months have been a rollercoaster ride of hope and disappointment about mom's health and prognosis. We are so glad that we always have hope for our bodies that are wearing out! 2 Corinthians 4:17- 5:8.

Molly also leaves today to takes summer classes in pursuit of a nursing degree from Bethel. It's hard to say goodbye to her from our side, and must be even harder for her to leave knowing that mom has limited time. Please pray that she will be able to focus on studies and that she will feel a strong connection to mom and the rest of the family while she's in Minneapolis. Molly also celebrated her 20th birthday yesterday with the addition of Uncle Richard and Aunt Cherie - Happy Birthday Margaret!


At 7:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Absolute bummer about the elevated bilirubin and leaky tube. As I've said to Anita, I just don't get God sometimes and am not happy about the pain and difficulty associated with all this. I certainly don't get why God does what he does, yet I cling to His words. I believe God would like you to hear again these words -
"The Lord your God is with you. He is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing." Zeph. 3:17

All our love and prayers are with you,

Dee and Gregg and all the Mennings

At 12:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Daniels family,
We are friends of Molly's good friend, Hannah Carlson in Alaska. Our whole church (Kenny Lake Chapel) is upholding your family in prayer, and we will continue to do so. Your internet updates reveal a very special family. We are privileged to share your burden as fellow believers in a compassionate and loving God.
Love in Christ,
Ramona Henspeter and family

At 10:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anita and Tim and Family,

Greetings from KC. Sorry to hear about the recent troubles, hopefully they can help you get things under control without too much more discomfort. We are all praying for all of you. Mom (aunt Grace) sends her best from out in California. I visited dad's resting place on memorial day, and was reminded of his favorite passage in the bible, the 23rd psalm. I don't know of many verses in the bible where God speaks so clearly.

Love to all.



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