Happy Birthday Dad!
Dad's birthday was yesterday and when we asked him what he wanted to do to celebrate he said, "I'm exhausted, absolutely nothing." So-we had a simple birthday celebration with Shirley and Kilne Capps. Shirley's birthday was a week earlier.
Mom (and the rest of us) are exhausted too. We're slowly getting into the groove of "normal" life. Mom was having some abdominal pain last night at the site of the tumor, but Dad was able to adjust her pain medications to help. She was unable to eat much yesterday due to increased nausea, but is feeling better today. It's a great (albeit slightly annoying) sign that she's making us drive all around town in search for corn stands because she's so hungry for fresh corn on the cob. Thanks for sharing your corn with us last night, Nikki!
Mom wants everyone to know that she's not wearing lederhosen from the Amanas in the above picture, but special hose to keep ankle swelling down. She was feeling good enough this morning to work in the garden while it was still cool.
Thanks for all of your prayers for Mom's strength, she really enjoyed Kim's wedding and the whole weekend. We revisit pictures and vidoes at least three times a day.
Happy belated birthday Doc!!!!
Gene, Ann Marie, & Tanner
If you need sweet corn, give us a call. We have plenty grown here on our farm. We'd be glad to run some in to you.
Randy and Donna Sennert
Happy Birthday Doctor Daniels! It looks like you had a wonderful wedding with your family and friends. I don't know your wife, Anita, but we hope for the very best for her and you and your family. We check the website everyday and it's like we have come to know you and yours. Sounds like you have a very close family and friends support system. Remember there are angels all around to help you along the way. Cheryl, Delbert, and Halli Winterhof
Thank you so much for sharing your website with us. Looks like you guys had a wonderful time at the wedding. Happy B-day Dr. Daniels!! Congrats Kim and Jon!! Call us when you are back in town sometime. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all each and every day!! Love, The Boettcher's (Erica Johnson)
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