Sunday, July 30, 2006

Good Friends

Mom and Dad have been blessed with so many good friends. We feel overwhelmed by and are deeply grateful for all of the care and love that everyone has shown Mom (and us) this summer. Thank you for helping us get through this well.

Mom's day was slightly better today. Her vital signs are the same as yesterday and we were able to sit her up in bed for a few minutes. She was even able to talk with us off and on. We had a great time of worship around her hospital bed tonight. Mom wasn't able to sing, but she did have the strength to smile and hum a little bit. One of the songs that Mom loves is "In Christ Alone" which was also sung at Kim's wedding. Here is the last verse:

No guilt in life, no fear in death
This is the power of Christ in me
From life's first cry to final breath
Jesus commands my destiny
No power of hell, no scheme of man
Can ever pluck me from His hand
'Till He returns or calls me home
Here in the power of Christ I'll stand


At 10:06 PM, Blogger Elizabeth said...

I am reminded tonight of God's perfect provision. I am in Austin, Minnesota, tonight staying with my roommate from Wheaton and her sister. My friends are big talkers, and about an hour after the concert we had attended, I gave a frustrated plea to go back to the house about 7:50 PM. I was hungry, tired, and developing a migraine. They continued to talk for another HOUR (extenuating circumstances, but I didn't know this at the time), and I became very upset with their seeming lack of respect. After going out for dinner, we finally arrived at home around 10:00 PM to find that a gigantic limb of the backyard tree had fallen into the yard. It missed hitting the house, the power lines, the neighbor's house, and my car in the driveway all by mere feet. If it had fallen any other way, it would have caused at least some damage, but the way it fell was perfect. Since it had to fall, it did so in the most perfect way possible. After talking to the neighbors, we learned that the limb fell around 8:00PM, which was just the time we would have arrived in the driveway (if my friends had quit yapping when I asked them to), across which now lies the huge limb.

We all are a bit shaken by the realization of God's perfect timing, and me especially given Aunt Nita's homegoing any day now. I don't know why the tree fell, just as I don't know why He has to take her home now. Maybe I will never understand why in either case, but I do know that God is good and His provision is evident in both situations. I don't know all the details of His provision for your family over these past four months and during these days, but I know He is providing for you in awesome ways as you say goodbye. I am thinking of you, praying for His strength in your weakness, and praising Him for His care for each one of you.

At 5:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Aunt 'Nita and family,

Reading the recent postings this morning, I am reminded of His promise: "He will give His angels charge over you..."

I am so thankful for that blessed promise and the knowledge that you, Aunt 'Nita, will see Him face to face soon, with no more pain.

Words are inadequate to really express what you all are experiencing now...but know that love and prayers are surrounding you.

May he keep you all in His perfect peace.

Love Always,


At 6:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aunt Anita and Family,

I wanted to let you know that you are in my thoughts and prayers during this time.

It was great to get to visit with you at the last few family events. I feel so privileged to be a part of this family.


At 7:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dr. Tim & Family--Just to let you know that you are constantly in my thoughts and prayers during this very difficult time. Your strong faith in the Lord will help carry you at this time. Please know how much I appreciate all the updates. I am one of Dr. Daniels patients and have really gotten to know your family by following along with your updates. May the Lord continue to keep Anita safely in his loving arms. Sharon Stief

At 7:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

To all the Daniels Family,
Our prayers are continually with all of you during this time and may Anita count all the blessings she has given and been given with great pride as she lies there in comfort and peace. SHE IS THE BEST WIFE (TO PUT UP WITH ALL TIM'S EXPERIENCES),MOM (TO PUT UP WITH ALL THE KID'S ANTICS AND SUPPORT THEM IN EVERY AND ANY WAY), FRIEND (WITH ALL HER HUGS, SMILES, AND KINDNESS), AND CHRISTIAN 9WITH HER FIRM AND COMMITTMENT TO GOD IN DOING THE VERY BEST WHILE ON EARTH!!
Thank You for the memories!!
The Strouse's-

At 7:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Words are so inadequate when we journey through times such as these where the deepest parts of us are feeling their deepest! We have been created in such beautiful and complex ways, to love God, to love others, and to be loved. This is essential beauty and captures God's creative work - as well as His redemptive work in Christ.
Death is so outrageous - absolutely not how God ordered creation - and so we are reminded with piercing grief and as C.S. Lewis describes (via Sheldon Vanauken), "Severe Mercy."
Josh and I have been regularly praying for your family for months-for all sorts of needs as the Spirit has lead us. We continue to intercede for you all now. You all mean so much to the Jipp family, and I too have been incredibly blessed by the godly joy you embody, the rich hospitality you offer, and the sacrificial life of the kingdom you each embrace in various ways. And you continue to walk in Christ so faithfully throughout this season - which has been so edifying to our faith! Thank you for your ministry to us! Wow! How the Lord ministers his grace in such unique and surprising ways - such creative and redemptive ways!
We pray you each - Anita, Tim, and all the family - find hope in life and death through Christ and the power of his Spirit which dwells so powerfully in us. We witness that you all are putting your hope daily in the Risen Christ! There is no greater hope - there is no hope apart from Christ. We love you - we are praying for you - we offer all our support, both now and in the days to come.
God's Grace and Peace in Christ be with you all.
Josh and Amber Jipp

At 8:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anita, may the lord hold you close during your pain. Our ENTIRE family is thinking of all of the Daniels during this difficult time. May you cherish your time together and know your journey has touched so many hearts, it makes us all look at life in a different light. Praise the lord and most importantly your family.
Amanda Damewood

At 8:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Carrie - I have followed your wonderful blog the past few months. What a nice way to share so many stories about your family. I knew your family from afar during school, and always have thought that you all were such a close and loving crew. Both my husband and I are keeping you in our thoughts and prayers. We have a 21 month old little boy named Will. On Sunday night I told him about your family and your mom's journey during his bedtime prayers. I told him that we had to say a special prayer for Anita so the angels could hear us. Will said "Anina Jesus" I think he knew just what to say.
Molly Wilson

At 9:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anita and family,
When Billie returned from Kim’s wedding, and I asked her about it, the first thing she said was that you looked so beautiful, just like an angel!
We were at a family reunion last weekend, when we received the news of your latest hospitalization. You have been in our thoughts and prayers for the past few months, but never so much as yesterday. We sang “For All The Saints,” in remembrance of those who have gone before us, as the last hymn at our family church service. I know that Billie and I included you in our praises.
Your chair is waiting, but we find it so difficult to let you go!
God Bless Always,
Deb Blanchard

At 9:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We continue to pray for you all and commit you to the strong arms of our Heavenly Father, Who alone gives us the comfort and grace we need for each moment. As I think of the many lives that are being touched, I pray that God will use this to bring many into His Kingdom. Ecclesiastes 7:2 reminds us "It is better to go to a house of mourning than to go to a house of feasting, because that is the end of every man, and the living takes it to heart."

Betty for the Ehlers

At 11:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Daniels family,

Jesus, You are the Great Physician, and there is nothing too difficult for You. So I bring my friend before You now, and ask that you would touch her with Your almighty power. Your word says that "You hear the desire of the afflicted; you encourage them, and you listen to their cry. "Hear my friend now, as she cries out to You and answer her in this time of need.

Take Care,

Luke, Christy(Flanigan), Brady and Trevor Ehlers!

At 12:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anita, Tim, Carrie, Kim, Ben & Molly,
You continue to be in our thoughts and prayers during these difficult days. Anita, you are a wonderful inspiration to all who's lives you have touched. We will dearly miss the times together but never forget. It is with great pleasure that we were able to be your neighbor over the years. Please let us know if there is anything we can do for you.
All our LOVE,
Dave, Mary, Katie, Becky, Ryan & Andy

At 3:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anita, Tim, Carrie, Kim, Ben & Molly,
You continue to be in our thoughts and prayers during these difficult days. Anita, you are a wonderful inspiration to all who's lives you have touched. We will dearly miss the times together but never forget. It is with great pleasure that we were able to be your neighbor over the years. Please let us know if there is anything we can do for you.
All our LOVE,
Dave, Mary, Katie, Becky, Ryan & Andy

At 3:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

When I went home for lunch today I took my Bible and opened it up for inspiration and comfort. The verse that caught my eye first was Psalm 31:14-15. God spoke to me and comforted me with these verses. May all of you see the rays of sunshine with the flowers of beauty in Anita and the peace of love given to her at this time.
From The Strouse's
Ken and Janet

At 8:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I always loved the quote from "It's a Wonderful Life"' that everytime I hear a bell ring some angel just got his wings. May dear Anita soon get her wings. God Bless you all. Dorothy

At 8:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Daniels,
I don't know any of you personally, but I do have a link to you even still. My mom is a nurse at the hospital & has come to be acquainted with over the last few years. Out of this has been born great respect & now, deep heartache for each family member by her. As she tearfully shared your story recently over the phone, my heart has been taken up in this & broken for you all. We thank you for your outspokenness of Jesus, The King. I think of you, I plead with the Hand of Omnipotence for His outpouring into your lives. An outpouring of exaclty what I'm not sure. Only that in every corner of your souls where there is a question, a tear, a memory, a fleeting moment, or a laugh that Christ would show Himself a strong, capable, & durable lover on this road you're walking now. He will because that's what He is.

God Bless,
Joel Ehlers

At 9:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Daniels Family,

I know I speak for Oakdale EFC and countless others when I state this: We love you. We're praying a lot for you.

Love and prayers,
Stacie for the Stoelting Family

At 9:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Daniels family,
We in Alaska are praying that God will envelope each of you with His peace and comfort. What a blessing that you have had this time together to laugh, cry and say your (temporary) good-byes. We trust that God's presence will be very real as you are gathered together as family. Your tender love expressed for your mother is beautiful and an encouragement to others.
~Henspeter family (friends of Molly's friend, Hannah)

At 9:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We are praying for His grace, strength, mercy, and love to be with you all during these hard days. I will always treasure the times shared with your wonderful family - which I am so blessed to be part of - what a privelege!

At 9:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tim, Carrie, Kim, Ben, Molly: You have been in our thought and prayers from the beginning.

I have spent much time over the last years reading about death and dying and the process that is involved and I believe that we do not die alone. Even if there is no one in our room. We are met by relatives or friends that have gone on before us. Our Angels. They are there to guide us along the path to the next life.

Many fear death; but we only fear what we don't understand. The body is just a dwelling place for the soul. The soul will express itself through our body while we are on this earthly journey. In the light of eternity our life here on earth is a short one. Some shorter than others. Therefore death is only the physical body; what constitutes the real "YOU," "I," "We," goes right on living. Dying means only that we discard our body the way we cast aside an old worn-out coat, or step from one room into another. In Ecclesiastes 12:7 we read; "Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was; and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it." We need to be able to let go! This is so very hard to do!

It says in John 16:22 "As for you - if you should miss me-- I am not really gone, just transformed, freed from the frail cloak, my physical body. But I shall see you again and your heart will rejoice." We need not to be afraid to let our loved ones go. They will always be with us. They will always watch over us. If we listen we will be able to hear them.

May our Heavenly Father give us the peace that comes with understanding; bless us, guide us, and protect us, and keep us in His care-- until we all meet again.

We give to you all of our Love. We share in your pain.

The Kansas Fonkert's
Dave, Noreen, David, and Mike

At 1:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a delight it has been for our family to have Anita as our son's other mother! What a privilege it has been to share many happy occasions and some tearful goodbyes over the years.
We are seeing Anita discover that a verse she has lived her life by in good health is also a verse that she can cling to in poor health. Philippians 1:21: "For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain."
We love all of you! Mur for the Dunnette family


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